Monday, January 8, 2024

"Advances in Platform Firmware 'Beyond BIOS'" - 20 years later.....

 A decade has passed since the posting describing the journey of Tiano, which at the time was Intel Framework based specifications and the EDK implementation. As such, this month makes 20 years since the article landed on the internet.

The write-up was curiously available in several languages:

    English -

    Portuguese -

    Japanese -

    Russian -

    Spanish -

    Chinese - 

Today the EDK has become and the Framework corpus is UEFI PI The OS-visible interface has gone from EFI 1.10 to UEFI, too. 

Given the amount of change over this interval, I always have a tough time refreshing the graphic 

Many interesting twists and turns on this journey that started in the late 90's and still continues as we step into the year 2024.

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